Schools Programme

Artworks runs a thriving art and design outreach programme for all ages: early years as well as primary and secondary schools. We deliver in schools, online via Zoom and on site from our grade II listed ex industrial textile mill on the outskirts of Halifax. Our combination of art studios, gallery and teaching spaces mean that there’s always something different to see.

All of our provision is tailored to suit the specific needs of the schools we work with. We deliver CPD sessions and training, Teach Meets, consultations, workshops, class visits, longer-term projects and resources. Our team of Artist Educators will work closely with staff to inspire and support your needs: we are here to support you and help you to get the most out of your art curriculum.

At a Glance…

We offer a range of arts workshops for primary and secondary school students; all delivered by practicing artists and designed to show the joys of art!

We also offer a range of teacher CPD offers, from courses to group sessions, as well as curriculum consultations.

What We Offer

CPD Sessions

We work with a range of Artist Educators to deliver CPD sessions on a wide variety of media and techniques. All our sessions are tailored to the needs of your staff and can be delivered either online or in person at Artworks or your school. More details and pricing can be found here.

CPD Courses

We run a lively, fun and supportive programme of Teach Meets for primary and secondary teachers throughout the year. These are held regularly online but also in person at Artworks throughout the year. Full details and booking are here. We also run online Core Creative Skills sessions designed to enhance your technical skills. Upcoming sessions can be booked here.

Curriculum Consultations

Developed in response to Ofsted’s ‘deep dives’, our curriculum consultation package helps you to develop and enrich your arts provision. The package includes a consultation and review of your art curriculum, which will develop recommendations, resources and guidance for your staff. Full details can be found here.


We develop workshops for all age ranges that can delivered in your school or at Artworks. We aim to inspire your students and help them develop new skills. You can find more details on primary school workshops here and secondary school workshops here.

School Displays

Whether part of a whole school workshop or a commission for an artist to create a new artwork for your school, we can work with you to create and install a piece that will inspire students and staff alike.

Class Visits

A visit to Artworks can provide stimulus for an entire term, and even create memories that last a lifetime. Our changing exhibition programme, vibrant range of artists’ studios and creative learning spaces mean that means there’s always something new and exciting to experience.

Thinking of visiting but not sure where to start? We’re happy to meet you and show you around, discuss your requirements and tailor the perfect visit for your group.

Working with your artists, both at Artworks – always a real thrill to be in your workshops – and at school, the sessions have been inspirational… the new skills the school staff are learning as part of the project will serve them well for years to come.

If you’ve got the cash for CPD, use it to get staff trained up in high quality lessons, working alongside very talented specialists.

Spin off benefits with Artworks and the individual artists will last for yonks
— Paul, Head at Old Earth Primary

Get in Touch

If you would like to discuss ways we can support learning and creativity in your school, please complete the contact form below or email